Education evaluation involves the systematic assessment of educational activities. Objects of education evaluation include administrators, teachers, students, instructional programs, school initiatives and education goals. The growth in federal funding for education and policy-makers’ increased calls for school accountability have contributed to the growth of educational evaluation. Many large school districts have personnel responsible for education evaluation activities. Evaluation can help educators determine the success of their programs and pinpoint efforts to improve student achievement. It also can help school systems identify the characteristics of successful programs.
Education Evaluation Benefits
Planning, implementing, and reporting education evaluations can have many practical benefits if the process produces credible results. Planning education evaluations before programs are implemented can increase the impact of programs by revealing objectives that have no planned activities and those with insufficient program depth to bring about desired change. Targeted revisions in these areas can increase the possibility for impact to occur. Implementing education evaluations can identify ineffective programs and thus permit reallocation of valuable resources to new needs and/or to effective programs. Reporting education evaluation results can increase citizen interest and awareness of programs and indicate that public resources are being used wisely.
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Education Evaluation Function
Educational evaluation strives to assess the merits and the impacts of educational programs and initiatives. Examples include evaluating the success of a new dropout prevention program, or comparing the effectiveness of two different reading programs. Education evaluation uses many of the research methods employed by education and social science researchers. Evaluation involves data collection and analysis, using quantitative and qualitative methods.Education Evaluation Considerations
Many school systems receive federal and state grants, which often include education evaluation requirements, which helps document how the grant funds were used, and what outcomes resulted from funded activities.